Hey, all! Thanksgiving is approaching and I am thinking of getting out the Christmas boxes from the attic and starting to decorate the house...
I don't know about you guys, but I thought when my children grew up and left the house and it was just my husband and me at home, life would simmer down a bit. Well, while there certainly have been lonely times when I am by myself at home, for the most part life has just gotten busier and busier. I am not complaining mind you. I enjoy the activity. I welcome it. However, this hubbub does sometimes get in the way of me interacting with you and for that I am sorry.
The very good hubbub that has been going on lately has been the graduation of my granddaughter, Julia. She is the first born of our grandchildren and we are entering a new stage of life, the grandkids growing up and moving on with their lives. Julia graduated a few weeks ago with honors from high school and we are so very proud of her.
As part of Julia's graduation, I was asked to do the flowers for her graduation party.
I am hoping you will allow me to indulge and show you some of the arrangements.
I was asked by my daughter-in-law, Jessica, to make eight flower arrangements for the party, six small ones for the dining tables and two larger ones for the buffet tables. So, I did what was asked of me, happily. Here is how they looked right before my husband and I set out to deliver them.
I quickly took a few photos of some of them before heading out to the party. My son's family lives about 45 minutes away from our home but, with traffic we took an extra 15 minutes, which caused me a great deal of stress 😟.
This arrangement ↓ was placed on the gift table. It greeted the guests on the covered front porch as they made their way to the back yard where the party was taking place.
I lined the banquet table with this arrangement ↓ and the two remaining smaller arrangements. It worked out perfectly because one bouquet really was not enough, at least in my world anyway. Hahaha!