Hey, all! Thanksgiving is approaching and I am thinking of getting out the Christmas boxes from the attic and starting to decorate the house...
Hi all! Since getting away from blogging during the long process of moving last December, I am finding it very difficult to find the time and the discipline to consistently blog again. Moving closer to my children and grandchildren is absolutely what I wanted and has been a joy but, finding time for the things I used to spend so much time doing has been hard :). Hence, the reason for such a long delay since my last post. All is good but, I am working hard to find my place in the new world that I and my husband are trying to create. Blogging and what to do with my business is part of all of that but, I am certain I will get there. I hope you will be patient and take the journey with me.
Anyway, for today I am sharing something I had not planned on sharing. I like things to be done before posting about them, mainly because I have turned into a Nervous Nelly in that area. I like to present the best product I can. However lately, every time I have a visitor enter my new house and walk into the living room turned dining room, they always say, "Oh, what a pretty room!" This is the room that I personally find least pretty but, in an effort to be more real and to show the process of making this home my own, I thought I would show you the room as it is now, warts and all. The other rooms in the house are either close to being done, nowhere near that or ones that I have already shown you. So, I thought, "Why not?", I would present the "pretty room" to you, and you can decide for yourselves if you think it is pretty or not. Please keep in mind that I really do have a vision for this room. It will be pretty in time. We just haven't gotten there yet.
In my old home I had a designated foyer. I loved that! I loved that it had a stone floor for messy kids coming in, that it didn't have a direct view into the kitchen, just in case it was not picked up, and I loved that the foyer gave a regal feel to the home. This house does not have a designated foyer. You walk into the front room, formally the living room, as you enter the home. I have turned it into the dining room so that I can entertain my whole family together and have room for my fairly new and large dining room table from Restoration Hardware. The original dining room was not large enough for that. You can see that transformation here. Eventually, I hope, this room will be all I have wished for.
- Remove wallpaper
- Remove blue rug and replace with wood flooring
- Remove rug on stairs
- Paint woodwork white
- Paint banister and rungs on stairs
- Paint or replace steps on stairs
- Paint wall a new color
- Maybe add crown molding or wall moldings
- Install overhead light fixture
- Put up sheer curtains
Christine I see now warts here - only beauty, love and a VERY inviting space! Congrats for being one of our Featured Guests at Inspire Me Monday Week 571! :-)