Hey, all! Thanksgiving is approaching and I am thinking of getting out the Christmas boxes from the attic and starting to decorate the house...
After clearing away my Christmas decorations I realized I needed to take the "bland" out of my living room and do something festive with my dining table.. I looked around and thought there were some things left over from Christmas that I could use, as long as I added some elements that better represented winter.
I started with a white damask tablecloth as the base for my "tablescape". Next I found a mint colored tablerunner at Homegoods. At first, I wasn't sure about the mint color. It isn't a common decor color. However, once I placed it on the table, I started to like it. It grew on me.
The tablecloth and the runner alone did not seem to create enough texture for me so, I added some gray felt material to give the center of the table more depth. I have been into gray lately. I think much of the decorating world is as well but, I thought it worked here :).
The tablecloth and the runner alone did not seem to create enough texture for me so, I added some gray felt material to give the center of the table more depth. I have been into gray lately. I think much of the decorating world is as well but, I thought it worked here :).
Not being able to give up the barnboard piece of wood quite yet, I placed that on top of all the layers of fabric. I still really like it!
I almost forgot another element I added. Do you see the gray chevron strip? That is ribbon I found in the after Christmas sale bin at JoAnn Fabrics. I just love it. I think it tied the fabric layers all together!
I almost forgot another element I added. Do you see the gray chevron strip? That is ribbon I found in the after Christmas sale bin at JoAnn Fabrics. I just love it. I think it tied the fabric layers all together!
I used various styles of trees to fill in the tablescape and to create the winter look. I figured it was still OK to use the trees. After all, trees should work all through the winter, right?
I have been collecting these cardboard houses for the last two years. I think I found them at Homegoods. They are battery powered and light up; very pretty at night. They took up just the right amount of space on the table. I hope because they are white they do not look too "Christmassy".
Most likely, this tablescape will only last for a few more weeks, anyway. Then, I will start thinking about changing it up for Valentine's Day and, perhaps, even spring! Until then I am going to enjoy the winter scenery!
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Linking With: Stonegableblog