Hey, all! Thanksgiving is approaching and I am thinking of getting out the Christmas boxes from the attic and starting to decorate the house...
Hi there! I had decided this year that I was not going to decorate for Valentine's Day. Every year it seems like I have just taken down Christmas and winter decorations when it is time for Valentine's Day. The Valentine season is just too short to decorate my house for.
Well....I caved. I couldn't stand the bland white decorations anymore. So....I started to introduce red and pink and hearts in specific places around the house. I don't have many areas decorated...just a few. Here are some of those places.
This wreath ↑ was one that I made at my Zoom garden club meeting a few days ago. As you may know from my previous post last week I have been making hearts of all kinds this February. It was coincidental that my garden club's craft this month was making this heart wreath. It was very easy and lots of fun to make and added to my heart collection. However, I am moving on from hearts and would like to show you some other areas of my house where I have added other Valentine decorations.
I must admit, I have mostly used decorations I had saved from years past. This year I used two different garlands to decorate this grapevine wrath in the living room. Both of them I made :)/
Among the jobs I had to do this week was to put together Valentine gift bags for my grandkids. I delivered a few today and it was truly joyous. Those kids, I say without humility because after all their parents have the greatest bragging rights, are the sweetest, cutest kids and are so much fun to be around. Love comes in all shapes and sizes but, the love of grandkids has to be one of the greatest! I hope you have ones you love around you this weekend.
Happy Valentine's Day Weekend
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