Hey, all! Thanksgiving is approaching and I am thinking of getting out the Christmas boxes from the attic and starting to decorate the house...
11:48 AM
Helpful Hint Friday: Don't Be Afraid to Add More Elements to Your Summer Decor Even if it is August!
Yikes! It's Friday again already and I am late again! Sorry about that but here I am now :). This week I finally cleaned an indoor/outdoor rug that I have been storing in my basement since we moved last December. I have been looking at it and thinking I need to use that somewhere in my summer decor before the summer is over. There were two places I could have used it, the screen porch or the back deck. This week I finally decided to use it on the back deck, and I love it there! The porch really needs paint and somewhat of an overhaul so that will be a later project it seems.
At one point in my thought process, I decided it was too late in the season to even make the effort with the rug but, some dry and good weather came around and I had the energy to scrub some dirt spots out of the rug, roll it up and bring it outside to the deck.
I rearranged some plants and things, and the deck feels like a new space to me. So, my little helpful hint this week is to keep the creative juices flowing even if the season is passing quickly through the calendar. Anything that makes you feel better, especially if it is something you have been wanting to do and is making something useful out of something that did not have a present purpose, is definitely worth doing. I actually have found that sometimes the very little things you do to your home can make you the most happy. I am all about making the world a happier place, aren't you?
Since this is the first summer in our new house and we are needing to buy all sorts of things, I am using many of the objects I brought with me from my old house. The pillows are old and will probably only last this season. The furniture and cushions were things we also brought with us. I did purchase the lanterns this summer and I like them :).
Next year, I would like to add more greenery to the deck. A nice palm tree would be great! But adding the rug gave this part of the deck more definition. I didn't realize how much it would really change the look, but I am thrilled.
I am happy with the container plantings I have on the deck, also. They have performed quite nicely.
I think I will also put more effort into the table centerpiece next year too. Maybe one that does not need to be watered and will not make a mess :).
So, if there is something you have been wanting to add decor-wise to your home and it is easy to do, I encourage you to do it!
Have a great weekend!
I will be on vacation next week so there will not be a Helpful Hints Friday next week.
See you soon though!!!