Hey, all! Thanksgiving is approaching and I am thinking of getting out the Christmas boxes from the attic and starting to decorate the house...
Hi all! I am in the middle of decorating my house for Christmas, which has been all time-consuming. However, while decorating I have been noticing a trend all over social media and Pinterest. People are obsessed with dried oranges and are using them in their decorating this season. Well, I am here to say, I was ahead of the curve on this one! I posted about this a few years ago. So, today I am taking this opportunity to share that post I created with you again. I hope to go through the orange drying process again sometime this season but, for now, I will share my insights from the past (with some added editorial comments) and will promise to get back on track and show you what has been going on over here for the past few weeks and share some of my holiday decorating with you soon :).
I started off by Googling how to dry orange slices. It is fairly easy but, you must have patience and some time on your hands. I cut the oranges in slices. I think I may have sliced them a little thick because I cooked them longer than was suggested and some of them still did not totally dry.
***Added info that I have since learned. You can set the orange slices out after the cooking process on a drying rack to let them dry out even more. However, I still think it is best to not slice them too thickly and let the oven do most of the work. I am not sure how long air-drying would take or if this changes how the oranges end up looking but, it is an added technique to try if necessary.
I went out in my yard and gathered some pine boughs and used some leftover greens that I had kept in a bucket of water in my garage. I used these greens to fill in the gaps on my wreath. With a grapevine wreath base I constructed a shaggy looking wreath. I was ok with that because the oranges were supposed to be the star of the show.
I don't usually integrate silk "flowers" with real elements but, since it was January there were no real berries available anywhere. I wanted the berries to be white and I am not sure I would have found those during the holidays anyway. In using white berries, I hoped to bring the wreath into January with a winter look and not make it so "holiday" looking. I am not sure I achieved that but, I liked the white berries on the wreath as an accent in any case.
I am not sure if you can catch it in this photo but, I also placed a few sprigs of eucalyptus around the wreath and some scattered walnuts, too. The final touch was the ivory velvet "bow" positioned at the top. I had seen other "bows" like this on Pinterest and thought I would change it up and not do my traditional looking bow this time around.