I hope that you will indulge me one more time as I present this last winter floral arrangement before the month of January ends. (I know...I am cutting it close!) For some reason I have been obsessed with dried orange slices lately. I just loved them for decorations during the holidays, and I really wanted to try th…
Showing posts from January, 2025
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With Valentine’s Day a mere three weeks away, I thought it would be fun to put some inspiration out there into the atmosphere. These ideas are ones I previously created over the years. Presenting them now is to hopefully get the creative juices flowing, yours and mine :). I have new ideas coming soon but, until the…
If you are like me and you don't want to go into total darkness after the holidays, you might like this post. In order to transition from December with all the brightness and excitement it brings to the often times dreariness of January, I like to leave a few twinkle lights glowing throughout the month of Januar…

Hello! I'm Christine and am so glad you are here. I am a wife, a mother of three grown children, and a grandmother, as well as a floral designer. I am also someone who loves making a house a home. This space is my opportunity to share ideas on floral design, holiday decorating, entertaining, gardening and so much more! Please come and enjoy the journey with me!