If you are like me and you don't want to go into total darkness after the holidays, you might like this post. In order to transition from December with all the brightness and excitement it brings to the often times dreariness of January, I like to leave a few twinkle lights glowing throughout the month of January. By the end of the month, I am ready to totally move on but until then, I still need that little boost of glow around my house. Today, I share that glow with you :).
I started slowly bringing the twinkle lights back into my decor after clearing away most everything from Christmas. I started in the dining room. I had kept a few items intact like the wreath over the mantle, the silver twig reindeer on the dining table and the evergreen trees on the buffet.
Admittedly, I should have turned the reindeer around when taking these photos. That would have given you all a better view of them. Haha! The room has been pared down dramatically from what was in there over the holidays but, it still has a little style left. The room looks like winter to me and that is what I go for in January.
These evergreen trees adorned the Nativity in December. Having taken away the Nativity, I now simply added in some pinecones and twinkle lights.
More twinkle lights were strung on the candelabra over the hutch in the background.
Adding just enough light in the room.
You can see how the dining room looked over the holidays
here if you would like.
Next, I moved into the family room which is the largest space in the home.
The mantle decorations stayed the same as they had been for the holidays because I love all the elements there. I simply strung the twinkle lights back onto the mantle after removing the faux evergreen garland.
As you can see, it is very similarly decorated.
I think these houses will remain throughout the winter. I really do not see a reason to replace them right now.
We purchased this glittery battery-operated tree on our trip to Virginia last fall and wanted to enjoy it for another month. We weren't ready to put it away quite yet.
On the other side of the room is this glass-featured hutch. I kept these decorations simple, as well.
Clean and fresh seems to be the way for me to go after the decorating opulence of the holidays.
I lined the shelves with a variety of string lights. They added just enough light here too.
This lighted twig tree manages to make its appearance year after year. It seems to go especially well with the decor in January.
Just yesterday we turned off the power to the outside lights. It was time but that is always a tough decision to make.
Finally, I strung some twinkle lights over the windows in the kitchen. They look pretty at night when the lights are low, and it is dark outside.
The view out the kitchen window is one I truly enjoy so framing it with lights is kind of cool :).
I am surprised I didn't catch a deer or two coming out from the woods. They seem to love the view too!

It takes a bit of work placing twinkle lights around the home especially after putting away all the decorations of Christmas but, if you are like me, you will like the ambiance they bring for the rest of
the month. It can be a long month in some ways. Why not make it more enjoyable?!
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