As I have already mentioned, I like creating outside rooms. They are fun to decorate, sometimes with funky things you can't get away with inside your home, and they also offer different kinds of areas to express your design self while serving a great purpose...entertainment and visual joy.
This outdoor entertainment room has been especially useful since it is located right off of my kitchen. Its location provides easy assess for delivering food for grilling, as well as refreshments for guests. Although our old Webber gas grill is out of sight in the photo, it is in a great location on the deck. I can come and go in and out of the kitchen and my guests can be part of all the activity going on. This outdoor "room" works wonderfully for serving appetizers and drinks, as well as just relaxing.

It's also fun to hang items from an umbrella. The lanterns I have owned for several years. I think I bought them at The Christmas Tree Shop. The orange paper star, medallion and solar lanterns I purchased this year at JoAnn Fabrics.
This outdoor entertainment room has been especially useful since it is located right off of my kitchen. Its location provides easy assess for delivering food for grilling, as well as refreshments for guests. Although our old Webber gas grill is out of sight in the photo, it is in a great location on the deck. I can come and go in and out of the kitchen and my guests can be part of all the activity going on. This outdoor "room" works wonderfully for serving appetizers and drinks, as well as just relaxing.
Elements I like to add to an outdoor room are comfortable seating arranged for easy talking and listening; a decently sized coffee table for serving food and beverages; and lots of color. It's summer, after all! We always have winter to be formal and proper!
It's also fun to add some interest in the way of a centerpiece. As you can see, you don't have to go overboard and spend a lot of money to make a cute little centerpiece. This one consists of some decorative colored bottles and yellow tea roses. In the background are flower pots filled with annuals to add more color and interest. Flower pots and planters are very easily created and not terribly expensive but can really add much to the whole outdoor area. I started these planters in June so they are pretty established in their growth. However, mature planters and flower pots are usually available all summer long at well-stocked nurseries.

It's also fun to hang items from an umbrella. The lanterns I have owned for several years. I think I bought them at The Christmas Tree Shop. The orange paper star, medallion and solar lanterns I purchased this year at JoAnn Fabrics.
Finally, it just wouldn't be "my" space if I didn't add a few window boxes! This window box looks a little unruly but, I can't bring myself to trim that beautiful purple petunia! Maybe next week.