A few years ago I posted a story on the importance of writing thank you notes. You can see it here, if you would like. I was thinking about that post the other day and bemoaning the fact that people do not hand write thank you notes anymore. I was getting very "old" in my thinking and suggested in my head that the days of thank you notes was over. That was until I looked at my desk and saw the large assortment of handwritten thank you notes that had accumulated there from many people in not so long a period of time.
I began to feel quite ashamed of myself because many, many people had taken the time to write to me to thank me for a gift, a kindness or a service I had given them. I put my "old" thinking back on the shelf and began to feel very blessed for the people in my life and knew that the days of thank you notes was not over, after all. The practice may not be in total full force but, people are still writing notes, nonetheless. That was good news! And, a message to me to not give up on the practice myself.
However, having gone through this whole exercise I realized that I still believe very strongly in the power of a note or thank you card. I hope that parents are still teaching their children the importance of keeping this tradition ongoing. I think they must be since the notes on my desk represented all age groups, males and females and even one person from another country. No need for me to worry :).
So, I will get off of my soapbox now. I never should have been on one in the first place. That's really not my style. I probably don't write notes as often as I should anyway, although I really do try to thank anyone who has been kind to me in some way or another.
Having said all that, if you do agree with me in principle about the value of thank you notes, I thought I would share a few cards that I have discovered on Etsy and Amazon with you that you might find interesting.
****I have not been compensated in anyway for this post. Just wanted to pass on the information and further the cause :-)
I found this printable at the Simply Pretty Pieces shop on Etsy. I thought this card was so pretty. I believe you can customize it to include or not include names. You can check out the Etsy listing here and see what other things you may find in this beautiful shop. This card is just so lovely!
I also found this card on Etsy. The shop is Canvas by Mary. I love this idea of including a pretty card in something you have mailed off from your business. It is a nice reminder for the recipient to write you a good review, hopefully, and a nice touch in any case. Please view this special card and very cute shop right here.

I am also including a few choices from Amazon because what could be easier than making a purchase at Amazon? Here are a few of my favorites.
I love these floral thank you's. They are right up my alley being a floral designer and all!
Someone sent me a thank you note on a card similar to these below. I just loved the rustic simplicity. I think they will always be in style.
I included another card selection for children. I really do believe the things we learn as kids stay with us the most...and the best our whole lives. I remember loving to write letters as a child. I think if I had had neat note cards like these, I would have been more inclined to write a few more
thank you's :).
Finally, I have to share this card because it is so stinkin' funny. At first, I thought maybe I shouldn't include it because it could be considered a little off color but, it made me laugh. Shouldn't we share things that make us laugh? I thought I could :). This funny card is from the Etsy shop, Carded Paper Art. If you'd like to purchase it or see what else Tori has available, you can find it here. You can buy individual cards or a pack of cards. Lots of options~
I hope you haven't minded me being on my soapbox of sorts. I hope you have taken my message in good fun.
Now, I am going to write my daughter a thank you note. She gave me the cutest succulant
planter :) !!! I wish I had purchased the succulant card above. Brittany would have gotten a kick out of it!
Wishing that you have something to be thank you for today 💗
***Again, please note that no compensation has been given for writing this post. All opinion given is mine.