Fall Touches in the Family Room


Hi, all!  I hope everything is well you.  I had a wonderfully long weekend while taking a mini trip to Maine and New Hampshire.  We got back on Tuesday night.  There wasn't much foliage to see, unfortunately.  We were disappointed with that but, the trip was fun anyway. 

Following up on what I told you last week in my post, I am now sharing fall decorating in the family room. However, I am finding it difficult to photograph my new home.  It is much darker inside than the contemporary we moved from last year. So, please bear with me as I navigate this newfound glitch, one that comes with making a major change in your life :).

  The family room is the largest room in the house, which is good because besides the kitchen this is where we spend most of our time.  I wanted to add some cozy fall accents here to make it feel homier. 

Everything continues to be a work in progress.

I am still in the process of opening boxes trying to find my decorating "stuff".  At this point I am not sure what I kept and what I threw away in the move, so it has been a little difficult finishing up the decorating.  The last thing I really want to do is buy more and more "stuff".  We are trying to not get into that habit again. However, I am normally not a "less is more" kind of person so we will see how this goes :).

I did purchase these branches this season because the fireplace really did need color.

I am on the hunt for a fireplace screen as you are reading this.  I will definitely have one by the time cold weather truly hits us so we will be able to have a fire in the fireplace.

I simply loved the color of these candles ↓.  They matched perfectly with the pumpkin and 

fall picks on the mantle.

I am liking the somewhat muted fall colors in this room.

I was happy to find the pumpkin pillow in my stash of stuff but, I have yet to find the glass pumpkins I purchased from Pottery Barn a few years ago. These raffia (?) pumpkins will have to do I guess.

The space behind the couch houses the white hutch and a bench. I use the bench to sit on in the middle of the winter when I lay out a card table and do a puzzle or two.  It is a slow process for me so, I am entertained most of the winter.  Haha.

I am still wrestling with how to exactly style the hutch but, for now, it is holding fall "things" 
and fall vignettes.

I haven't decided where to put this garland of fall leaves, so it is left sitting on the bench for 
added color for now.

More small touches~

The decorating is more subtle this year, but I am feeling that it is just enough.  However, I know myself and there is a good chance I will be adding more touches here and there.  In fact, I went out just the other day to purchase some large gourds to put in a bowl on the kitchen counter. I felt the kitchen needed something more.  Do you see what I mean?

Until the next time,

Happy Fall Decorating!!!

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