Hey, all! Thanksgiving is approaching and I am thinking of getting out the Christmas boxes from the attic and starting to decorate the house...

Hi, All! I hope you are all doing well. I am signing in today to tell you that Designs and Events is going to take a few weeks off from its blogging schedule. Even though the pandemic in Massachusetts has abated quite a bit, which is wonderful, the whole experience has taken a toll, at least on me. I am sure it has on you, as well. I feel as though my creativity has suffered somewhat and I am now in need of new inspiration.
Perhaps the Fourth of July weekend, some beach time and seeing family members will bring the inspiration I have been craving. It is always good to take a respite. I know it seems as though the quarantine would have been respite enough but, that whole experience and the continuance of it has worn me out somewhat.
Summer is my favorite time of the year. If anything is going to energize me, summer will! I will be back in a few weeks with new ideas and content, I am sure :).

Before I take my break, I would like to share with you what has been going on at my house just outside off of the back deck. We have a momma robin making her nest in the holly tree that sits right next to the deck. This scene is literally taking place within three feet of the railing. I think this could be the third year she has returned to this same holly tree but to be honest, I usually notice the blue eggs and leave the poor woman alone. However, while my husband was working from home he became obsessed with watching her make her nest. "Why would she choose a place so close to us?", he asked. Good question. I guess we are not very
intimidating :). This photo shows only two eggs but she actually eventually laid three, although it took several days to do so.
One morning I noticed two of the eggs had hatched and I was worried that the last one would not. Maybe there was something wrong with it. As you can see all three of them made it through very well. Yay! Like the laying of the eggs, the hatching took a few days to happen also. Kind of fascinating to watch~.
I was able to see Mommy feeding her babies on the same day I took this ↓ picture. I didn't want to scare her off while she was feeding them so, I wasn't able to catch the moment on my camera. That too, was amazing.
A day or two later they had grown a little bit more as you can see from the photo below.
It has been raining pretty hard for the last few days. I wonder what Mom has been doing to keep the babies dry. I am going to check that out as soon as I can :).
See you in a few weeks!
Enjoy Your Fourth of July!!!