Hey, all! Thanksgiving is approaching and I am thinking of getting out the Christmas boxes from the attic and starting to decorate the house...
Hi there! I thought it might be time to once again share a room in our "new" home. As you may know, we moved fourteen months ago and have been redecorating and repurposing some of the rooms in the house. It has been a much slower process than I thought it would be but, I am steadily getting to where I want to be in that regard. Today, I am sharing the office, which we have made into an office for two.
When Tom and I purchased our new home, we were thrilled that it had a good size office, mostly because Tom has been working from home two to three days a week ever since Covid. He needed the space and to be perfectly truthful, I needed an office, too. I work on this blog, and I have a private business, albeit small, that needs attention and computer time. We have had to navigate through this process because I can be somewhat territorial (haha!) and like having my own space. However, Tom is the breadwinner and needs the space more than I do. Hence, we needed compromise.
When we toured the home, this ↓ is what the office looked like. For me, it was a little dated. I didn't like the curtains and I wanted to add my own touches and style. The painters who painted the family room and the sitting room also painted the office. It was a great place to spring off from, a newly painted room.
Thankfully, we had moved some furniture from the old house that would go in the room. This dropleaf table found its way into the large office. Over the holiday season, I did a puzzle here.
This table and chair fits in the corner of the room and has a view to the outside of the house through the French door. It looks into the screened porch. That is another room I need to get to redecorating soon :)! I am actually looking forward to it. I want to paint it white but, keep the robin egg blue ceiling.
But, back to the function of the office~ The desk my husband uses now was previously in our guest room in our old house. Having Tom use it every day is a much better utilization of it. Tom loves it with all its nooks and crannies. I miss it because of all its nooks and crannies. These spots were where I put all my stationary, papers, doo dads and such. I still haven't found a great place to put all of that stuff yet, but I am getting there. We had much more storage in our old home. (Or maybe we just kept too much stuff! That could also true, too.)
The office is set off by itself and has a door to separate it from rest of the house, which is nice because Tom has many business calls throughout the day.
Anyway, the good side to all of this was that I was able to pick out a new desk for me that would fit into the space, as well. I chose this one. It is simple but, I like the style of it. I like the cage shelf underneath the computer. I can put all sorts of papers under there! This area is kind of sparse because I haven't gotten into full swing with my business in the new locale yet.
The desk also has a few drawers. I did add another cage set of shelves that fit under the desk, as well. More stuff space!
My desk allows me to have some very necessary tools right at my easy disposal. I couldn't live without my worn-out thesaurus and dictionary.