Ok, I made a big mistake a few weeks ago. I thought it would be alright if I took a week off from blogging during the February vacation week. I thought you would all be busy and wouldn't miss a post. Also, I was hoping to see my grandchildren. As it turned out, two of my kids and their families went on vacation out of the area. My other daughter's family was sick all week with the flu so, I didn't get to see them either. Then, on Monday, February 24th, I got so sick with the flu that I was in bed for a week! I have now developed a cough and still feel lousy. All of this is to say, I should have blogged while I was not sick because now, I am way behind on my blogging schedule.
However, before all this sickness hit me, I had thought of a post I wanted to create. So, even though I am working at a deficit (brain fog and very limited energy), I am going to follow through with that idea today and share some products that I have come to really like.
A little over two years ago when I moved into my current home, the previous owners left a few things behind, ones that I ended up using. The first ones are the products below, Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day Dish Soap and Hand Soap. This is kind of funny because all of my children had been using these products for years and I had, not so discreetly, made fun of them for using them. I found when I washed the dishes at their homes, I needed to use twice as much soap as I normally would have to get the dishes clean. I never had a problem with the hand soap, however. That was always very efficient. I do not know if Mrs. Meyers has changed their formula since those earlier days or if I have simply softened in my criticism but, I have found I really like washing my dishes with this soap. The dishes get clean, and I don't feel I am using a great amount of soap each time. And I can feel good about living ever so slightly greener by using them. I like the lavender scent the best but my daughter, Brittany, says there are lots of other fragrances that are nice, too.
You can find Mrs. Meyers products here if you would like but, I find that at most grocery stores around town you can find them easily.
Because of my Mrs. Meyer's discovery, I found I was more open to using green products in the bathroom, as well. I like this Method hand soap. I believe it is considered a green product, and I like that it looks good against the paint color in my bathroom. It coordinates well in the room. I like the Coconut Water variety and the foaming quality.
You can find Method products here. Again, you can also find this hand soap at major grocery stores, too.
The other product that the previous owners left us were dryer balls. I had heard of them but, didn't really see the point...until I thought about the effect of dryer sheets. These guys are supposed to be used in lieu of dryer sheets. I wasn't sure I was going to like them but in the end I did! They seemed to have worked pretty well for the last two years keeping everything static free. However recently I felt they were not keeping the towels as fluffy as before. That is why I ordered these new ones ↓. I ordered them while I was sick in bed and, honestly, I haven't tried them yet. I think they are awfully cute though! Once I start using them, I will let you know what I think. The reviews were good and seemed worth the purchase.
Here is the link: Sheep Dryer Balls
The next products I am going to recommend are in the cosmetic line and are not necessarily green. I am sorry. I do use them all the time though.
I found that since I where mascara I was ruining my face clothes by washing my eye makeup off with them. I found these makeup remover towelettes and have saved my face clothes. Since I have sensitive skin, I like the Neutrogena brand. I have tried others but often found they have left my skin stinging. At least they are plant-based and compostable. That's a little green :).
I am not going to give you the link. I think you can easily find these on the internet or at your local CVS or grocery store.
This next product is one that I learned about from my daughter. She had my husband purchase it from her hairdresser a few years ago for me as a Christmas present.
This shampoo is good for me because the collagen in my hair is almost non-existent. This shampoo helps with the frizzies and makes my hair smoother than any other shampoo I have tried. You only need a dime to quarter size drop of shampoo for each application. That makes the $44 price tag a little more manageable. I have since discovered that you can buy this shampoo on Amazon.
Here is the link to Amazon: Kerastase Paris Discipline
This face cleanser is one that I have been using for years. I first had it recommended to me by a dermatologist. It is a gentle cleanser for sensitive skin like mine and it also has a tiny bit of glycolic acid in it to exfoliate your skin. For the longest time I was able to buy it on Amazon but, that is no longer the case. It took me at least a month to find a new supplier. You can buy it from Lovely Skin. Here is the link: Glyderm Gentle Cleanser
I am so happy I found a way to purchase this cleanser. I could not find any replacements that were as gentle,yet exfoliating as this one.
Finally, I mentioned mascara. I do wear mascara, pretty much every day...except when I am sick. This is my absolute favorite. It makes my old lashes look the best and longest of any mascara I have tried. I have even used eyelash primer with other mascaras to see if I liked them better. I did not. Those got clumpy and didn't make my lashes look as long as this L'Oreal brand does.
This product is available in grocery and pharmacy stores.
There you have it! The list of products I love and use over and over again. I hope these suggestions will help you in some way. If not, I trust it was fun to drop by and check in :).
I am dreaming to be truly on the mend next week and be able to share some fun and pretty spring ideas with all of you. The brain fog from the flu has to subside though!
Until then, I hope you are well!
***Please note I have not been compensated in any way for writing this post.