Hey, all! Thanksgiving is approaching and I am thinking of getting out the Christmas boxes from the attic and starting to decorate the house...
Showing posts from December, 2016
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Wow! Ten days before Christmas! If you are like me, you are VERY busy with the shopping, the wrapping of gifts and the festivities of the season. Thankfully, I finished decorating my house a week ago and have thoroughly been enjoying it. Seeing the Christmas decorations around the house that are so special to my f…
I started decorating my home for Christmas in the middle of November. I find doing so helps me enjoy the season all the more and takes away some of the stress of the season as December approaches. Still, it takes me weeks to finish the process. In fact, I was still working on finishing touches just yesterday! I a…

As I mentioned in my last post, I had the opportunity and pleasure of visiting New York City last week courtesy of my husband needing to go there on business. By coincidence, my son also had business in the city. So, lucky for me, he and his wife took the kids out of school for a few days and we all made a mini vaca…

Hello! I'm Christine and am so glad you are here. I am a wife, a mother of three grown children, and a grandmother, as well as a floral designer. I am also someone who loves making a house a home. This space is my opportunity to share ideas on floral design, holiday decorating, entertaining, gardening and so much more! Please come and enjoy the journey with me!