Hey, all! Thanksgiving is approaching and I am thinking of getting out the Christmas boxes from the attic and starting to decorate the house...
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Hey, there! I guess you can see from the date that I am not on time when it comes to Helpful Hint Fridays. Sorry about that! It was a busy week, again! Still loving summer so I am not complaining. I am enjoying all that comes with this time of year even if it makes me a little tardy when it comes to blogging 😃.

11:48 AM
Helpful Hint Friday: Don't Be Afraid to Add More Elements to Your Summer Decor Even if it is August!
Yikes! It's Friday again already and I am late again ! Sorry about that but here I am now :). This week I finally cleaned an indoor/outdoor rug that I have been storing in my basement since we moved last December. I have been looking at it and thinking I need to use that somewhere in my summer decor before the…
Hello there! How is it going? Are you preparing for the 4th of July? We have plans to go to our cottage on Cape Cod, but the weather is being difficult, and the fireworks displays have been postponed until Labor Day. What gives with that? We will find a way to have fun no matter what. Hope you do to!!! In the…

Hi all! Since getting away from blogging during the long process of moving last December, I am finding it very difficult to find the time and the discipline to consistently blog again. Moving closer to my children and grandchildren is absolutely what I wanted and has been a joy but, finding time for the things I us…
I will be following up with another blog post explaining why I came to this decision in the near future but, for now I wanted to get the word out now since I really came to my decision months ago. No more procrastination :). Thank you for taking the time to stop by and see what is going on in my world.

Hi all! I know I keep promising that I will finally get back to normal in posting on this blog but, moving has turned out to be more involved and time consuming than I ever expected! I am still unloading boxes, although I am getting there, figuring out what I need and what I can use from my old house, enjoying my s…

Hello! I'm Christine and am so glad you are here. I am a wife, a mother of three grown children, and a grandmother, as well as a floral designer. I am also someone who loves making a house a home. This space is my opportunity to share ideas on floral design, holiday decorating, entertaining, gardening and so much more! Please come and enjoy the journey with me!